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Scheduler.NET is a scheduler for .NET workers that heavily relies on Dependency Injection. Therefore, the scheduling setup is directly linked to the business layer. Any business layer can interact with the scheduler as well.

Powered by & for .NET

Scheduler.NET is fully written in .NET for a multi platform usage and for a straight forward integration in any application.

Easy to setup

Scheduler.NET is setup in a straightforward way and permits to control them from business applications by heavily relying on DI.

Simple Job Runner

Create the project

dotnet new worker -o TestWorker
cd TestWorker
dotnet add package Paillave.Scheduler.Core


using Paillave.Scheduler.Core;
.ConfigureServices(services => services.AddScheduler<MyJobDefinition, int, MyBatchSetup>())
public class MyJobDefinition
public int Id { get; set; }
public string? CronExpression { get; set; }
public class MyBatchSetup : IBatchSetup<MyJobDefinition, int>
public void Execute(MyJobDefinition source, CancellationToken stoppingToken)
=> Console.WriteLine($"{source.Id}: Write something on console, but could be anything");
public IEnumerable<MyJobDefinition> GetAll()
=> new[] { new MyJobDefinition { Id = 1, CronExpression = "*/2 * * * *" } };
public string? GetCronExpression(MyJobDefinition source)
=> source.CronExpression;
public int GetKey(MyJobDefinition source)
=> source.Id;

Job Runner driven by web api

Create the project

dotnet new webapi -o TestWebApi
cd TestWebApi
dotnet add package Paillave.Scheduler.Core


using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Paillave.Scheduler.Core;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
.AddSingleton(new List<BatchDefinition>())
.AddTransient<IBatchService, BatchService>()
.AddScheduler<BatchDefinition, int, MyBatchConfiguration>();
var app = builder.Build();
app.MapGet("/", (
[FromServices] IBatchService batchService)
=> batchService.GetAll());
app.MapDelete("/{id}", (
[FromServices] IBatchService batchService,
[FromRoute(Name = "id")] int id)
=> batchService.Delete(id));
app.MapPost("/", (
[FromServices] IBatchService batchService,
[FromBody] BatchDefinition batchDefinition)
=> batchService.Save(batchDefinition));
app.MapPut("/{id}", (
[FromServices] IJobDefinitionService<BatchDefinition, int> jobDefinitionService,
[FromRoute(Name = "id")] int id)
=> jobDefinitionService.Trigger(id));
/// <summary>
/// Description of batch definition
/// It can be anything: an EF entity, a business object... anything
/// </summary>
public class BatchDefinition
public int Id { get; set; }
public string? Name { get; set; }
public string? CronExpression { get; set; }
public string? Command { get; set; }
public string? Arguments { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Contract of persistence layer for batch definitions
/// </summary>
public interface IBatchService
int Save(BatchDefinition batch);
void Delete(int batchId);
List<BatchDefinition> GetAll();
/// <summary>
/// Persistence layer for batch definitions
/// It is done in-memory, but obviously any persistence can be injected and used
/// </summary>
public class BatchService : IBatchService
private readonly List<BatchDefinition> _batchDefinitions;
private readonly IJobDefinitionService<BatchDefinition, int> _jobDefinitionService;
public BatchService(List<BatchDefinition> batchDefinitions, IJobDefinitionService<BatchDefinition, int> jobDefinitionService)
=> (_batchDefinitions, _jobDefinitionService)
= (batchDefinitions, jobDefinitionService);
public void Delete(int batchId)
_batchDefinitions.RemoveAll(i => i.Id == batchId);
public List<BatchDefinition> GetAll() => _batchDefinitions;
public int Save(BatchDefinition batch)
_batchDefinitions.RemoveAll(i => i.Id == batch.Id);
batch.Id = _batchDefinitions.DefaultIfEmpty().Max(i => i?.Id ?? 0) + 1;
return batch.Id;
/// <summary>
/// Setup how the scheduler handles definitions of batches:
/// - How to get the initial list of batches to be run.
/// Here, it is retrieved using the persistence layer of batch definitions.
/// - How to get the cron expression
/// - How to get the identifier
/// - What to do when the batch must be run
/// </summary>
public class MyBatchConfiguration : IBatchSetup<BatchDefinition, int>
private readonly IBatchService _batchService;
public MyBatchConfiguration(IBatchService batchService)
=> (_batchService) = (batchService);
public void Execute(BatchDefinition batchDefinition, CancellationToken stoppingToken)
Console.WriteLine($"[{batchDefinition.Name}] executing...");
var process = new Process();
if (batchDefinition.Command == null)
Console.WriteLine($"[{batchDefinition.Name}] Nothing to run.");
if (batchDefinition.Arguments != null)
process.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(batchDefinition.Command, batchDefinition.Arguments);
process.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(batchDefinition.Command);
Console.WriteLine($"[{batchDefinition.Name}] executed. Exit code: {process.ExitCode}");
public IEnumerable<BatchDefinition> GetAll() => _batchService.GetAll();
public string? GetCronExpression(BatchDefinition source) => source.CronExpression;
public int GetKey(BatchDefinition source) => source.Id;